Tuesday 30 July 2024


The telescope dome has now been finished: electrics installed, and the base of the wall sealed.  And so, we have now been able to install the telescope itself.

telescope bolted to plinth

Now we just have to wait for a clear night to calibrate it (tell it where the north pole is), and then more clear nights for observing.

Sunday 21 July 2024

view from a hotel window

I arrived in Copenhagen today for the Artificial Life conference.  A short flight from Stansted, then an easy metro trip to the hotel, which is close to the conference venue.  Everything is new, clean, and quite green:

view from my hotel window

The room itself is interesting.  It has a bathroom, kitchenette, oodles of storage space, a small dining table, and a sofa.  But ... no bed?

dining table and sofa -- but where's the bed?

The clue is in the black zigzag line.  A little investigation, and manipulation, revealed:


Well, that's a first. Let's see how I cope ascending, and, more importantly, descending...

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Erice back streets

Today was the workshop excursion.  It has been hot here all week so far up high in Erice, so I was not looking forward to an even hotter time down at sea level.  Then there was an Italian Severe Weather Warning alert.  Hmm.  So colleagues and I decided to spend the time talking shop in a nice cafĂ© instead.  It was the right decision: apparently, a temperature of 42 degrees was recorded by the excursion bus!

Later, some of us went wandering to find a different restaurant for our evening meal, and ended exploring some of the picturesque backstreets.

narrow, and hot

steep and narrow, and hot

The workshop has been just as good as last time.  Final day tomorrow, with more great talks and discussions scheduled.

And a third one is planned for 2026.

Saturday 6 July 2024

view from conference accommodation window

I'm back in Erice for the second Workshop on Unconventional computing; the first was in 2022.  I'm staying in a different building this time, with a lovely view over a courtyard.

Last time I was here it was October, and nice weather.  Now it is July.  And a lot hotter: due to be 30 degrees plus all week.  But the buildings are designed for it: very thick stone walls.

There's a welcome reception this evening, then the workshop starts at 9am tomorrow (Sunday!)  At least I should get more sleep than last time, having arrived mid-afternoon rather than at 3am.