Thursday 27 July 2023

Sapporo Art Park

The ALife conference is great!  I'm really enjoying the workshops, the presentations, and catching up with colleagues who I haven't seen in person since 2019.  (I'm not enjoying the heat so much, though.)

Today we got a break from the hard work, with an excursion to the Sapporo Art Park.  There were lots of things to view, but I (and many of my colleagues) spent quite a while in the interactive "Animals of Flowers" room.

Here, wriggling lizards and geckos and flowers and snakes and more were projected on to the walls and floor.  If you stamped on one, it emitted a load of flowers.

a projected critter

What I didn't realise at first, until I saw some surprising creatures, was that this was truly interactive: there were pieces of paper with outlines of the critters that you could colour in, give to a staff member to be scanned in, then watch your design come to life!

seems I'm not the only one who went to GECCO and ALife back to back!

It was surprisingly engaging: I found myself grinning widely at all the critters moving around and the exploding flowers.

They had closed the ice cream stall just before we left the installation.  Oh well.

Then it was off to the conference dinner and awards ceremony.

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