Wednesday 5 June 2024

solar system model

Before I can develop new charts of the new solar PV + battery system, I need a system model to help me spec up what I should do.  After a few more complicated attempts, I came up with the following:

The horizontal line represents the house mains through which all the power flows.

PV1&2 are the two banks of PV panels on the house; PV3 is the new bank on the garage: they supply power to the mains.  As does the battery when needed (overnight, and daytime when very cloudy or high demand), and the grid (as a last resort).

The main sinks are the house usage, and charging the car via the 7kW Zappi charger.  The car can be powered off surplus PV during the day, or off the cheap rate grid power at night.  Any surplus power goes to the battery (before the car) until it is charged.  After the house, car and battery are satisfied, and further surplus is exported to the grid.

I'll use this model to design some new generation and consumption charts next.

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