Tuesday 9 July 2019

where the rubber meets the road

I did my bit for the environment today.

I have an old pair of Clark's sandals.  They are comfortable, and the uppers are fine, but the original tread on the soles had worn down to a high gloss.  The other day I slipped, and decided they were no longer safe to walk in.

Given the fine condition of the uppers, I took the pair along to out local Timpson's, to see if they could be re-soled.  The guy sucked his teeth and looked dubious.  They probably wouldn't take a re-soling.  We discussed it for a bit, and I explained I just needed the soles made less slippery.  He said he would try "roughening them up" on the machine.

Several minutes and a strong smell of buring rubber later, he returned them to me, with a lovely lattice of grooves carved into the previously smooth soles:

Perfect!  That will keep me going for another few years, until they wear down again, and it saves me having to bin otherwise perfectly good footwear.

Timpson's for the win, again.

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