Sunday 17 March 2024

no need to fear the AIs

A mouse died somewhere in the walls recently, so we've been combatting the resulting very unpleasant smell with lots of fresh air (not very warm at this time of year) and an air filter.  That has helped, but we also tried an air freshener.  It sprays a scent that for some reason is called "fresh linen".  I sprayed a bit, and then commented, "it now smells like a dead mouse in a linen shroud".

Not one to miss an opportunity to blog, I wanted a picture. I googled "dead mouse in linen shroud" and got several pictures of dead mice, but unshrouded.  Unsurprising, as it's presumably not something that common.

So I tried, for the first time, an AI picture generator.  The prompt "dead mouse in linen shroud" got me:

Not only no linen shroud, but not even dead!

(The smell has very nearly gone now, fortunately.)

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