Tuesday, 29 March 2022


 I thought it was bad a fortnight ago.  This time, less fuel, even higher cost:

Friday, 25 March 2022

very effective and knowledgable

 I get email (not redacted, so as not to protect the guilty)

Computer Reviews Journal

E-ISSN: 2581-6640

Dear Susan Stepney,

We are pleased to tell you that we have gone through your research article entitled “Editorial: News from the New Co-Editors in Chief” which was very effective and knowledgeable in the views of the Journal of imaging and intervention radiology. Based on the impact generated by your recent scientific communications we are glad to invite you to submit the manuscript for our Journal.

We are glad to invite you to submit Research articles/Review articles/Case Reports/Special Issue articles for our prestigious Journal.

You can submit your paper online (or) send it as an e-mail attachment.

We would appreciate receiving your submission on or before 9th April 2022 (or) please let us know your feasibility of submitting an article.

Anticipating a positive response.

Best regards

Amara Stewart

Assistant Managing Editor

Computer Reviews Journal

WhatsApp: +3225889658

I never realised my editorials counted as research articles.  I need to update my CV with this “very effective and knowledgable” article, I suppose.

And in the area of “imaging and intervention radiology”, eh?  That doesn't seem to mesh with the journal name in the email header (or the content of the editorial itself, somewhat less surprisingly).  So, navigating to the “prestigious” Computer Reviews journal website, I see that

The mission of the Computer Reviews Journal is to share, develop, and facilitate the output of research paper about fundamental and applied for Computer Reviews Journal.

So that clears that up, then. 

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

view from an upstairs window

 Here's a recent view from our upstairs window, over the roof of our new conservatory.

(We don't have a cat.)

Friday, 4 March 2022

tiles fixed

The tiles are all fixed back down again (although it's hard to see past the scaffolding).  Hopefully they will last until the next 30-year storm.  Fixing the tiles took significantly less time than erecting the scaffolding.

Thursday, 3 March 2022

the roof tile of Damocles II

The hanging tile of Damocles has just been safely removed.  This has required the erection of significant infrastructure (which is also needed to replace and refix the other damaged and displaced tiles).