Saturday, 2 November 2024


As of yesterday, I am officially retired, and now Professor Emerita at York.  The "Emerita" status grants me facilities that will help me continue to do research more readily: I keep my IT account (email, cloud storage, Overleaf, PaperPile, ...), library access, and a form of affiliation with the University.  In exchange, they get to claim any publications of mine as associated with them.

So what did I do on my first day of official retirement? Well, I went for my daily walk, and got a bit of a fright.  But the rest of the day I spent on zoom, on an interview panel.  A colleague and I recently won an Aria "Nature Computes Better" project called LoCoMo (Lossy Computational Models).  This was submitted before I had decided to retire, and awarded after.  As Emerita, I can still work on the project ... for free!  Yesterday we were interviewing for the two PostDocs.

So, starting as I mean to go on!


  1. Congratulations on your retirement and continued research activity! I quite enjoyed your exaugural talk (which I didn't quite get to finish but do plan to).
