Friday 28 January 2022

a new phishing attempt

 This is a new phishing attempt I haven’t seen before, rather more plausible than most:

NEW REPLY TO SUPPORT CASE #1643367968 28.01.2022

Dear  , It has recently come to my attention that your support case from exactly one year ago (28.01.2021) has gone unanswered because of a system error. I immediately sent my superior Richard, an email and explained that you made a complaint at the service desk in the store but that the exact details were also lost. I can see here that there was something wrong with a purchased item, but you were not able to return or exchange said item. This is against store policy, so we have decided that we will compensate you. The value of the compensation is obviously quite high because the matter took so long to solve.

But you don't need to worry about that , it's our pleasure because we value you as a customer. What I need from you now is that you validate your email address XXX@XXX.XXX by replying to this email. Your reply can simply be empty, as long we can see you replied to this message we can take care of the rest and make sure you get what's rightfully yours.

Kind regards,

Polly Gallagher

Regional Response Administrator

Head Office

Falcon Way, Shire Road,

Welwyn Garden town,



There are, however, several red flags (which I won’t post here, as I don’t want the scammers to fix them!)

The website De-Reviews has an explanation of what happens if you respond,  It’s the obvious things: they ask for personal details to scam you, and try to put spyware on your computer.

This is why we can’t have nice things.


  1. Sadly, I believe the red flags are there deliberately. The scammers want to filter out the savvy people so they can focus their time on the most vulnerable people.

    1. Sadly2, I believe you are right. Maybe the savvy ought to engage, and pollute their databases with fake data and nonsense? Although, one would always have the nagging worry that one was not as savvy as one believed...

  2. I just received this email , few minutes on Google and found your warning , ty for sharing

  3. Yes,same as the above,received exactly the same email.Although it does make you think for a second or two,I would never had replied but many thanks for confirming my suspicions.
