Sunday, 9 March 2025

Nine sunny days in March

I make a variety of plots of data from our solar PV system.  One set is of the power generation over the day, plotted on a background of the month (so far) averages.  February looked like this:

The horizontal time axis runs from 3:00am to 9:00pm GMT. The vertical axis runs from zero to 8kW. The orange regions indicate the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum generation at that time, over the month. The line indicates the actual generation at that time.  Several days have very little generation, with the black generation line hugging the x-axis (February this year seemed a particularly dark month), so the orange fills the shape.

March so far has been somewhat different:

Nearly full sun every day; hardly any orange in sight on the plots.  Even on the 7th, originally forecast to be dull, there were only a few dips in an otherwise bright day.  It has been very mild, even warm.

The weather is due to break tomorrow.  Ah well, it was glorious while it lasted!

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