Friday, 16 August 2019

how tall is that?

Walking back and forth in Dublin over the last couple of days, we noticed a strange construction in O’Connell Strret.

It’s difficult to get a picture of the whole thing on a mere phone camera.  Here’s the base:

a spike with a shiny base (and, apparently, a bit of my finger).

And here’s the rest of it:

all the way to the top

How tall is that?  It seems to go up forever.  It’s a cunning optical illusion, though: The Spire of Dublin is “only” 120m tall, but the way it tapers gives a false perspective view that makes it look a lot taller from the base.  Neat.


  1. Susan... I happen to be among the California Redwoods right now which seem to top out at about the same height as your spire! They also taper to the top.... hmmm?

    1. Steve -- so do they look way taller when looking up at them from the base, too? The height illusion of the Spike is quite sensitive to viewpoint -- I found I had to get quite close to its base, so I was really looking up, before the illusion kicked in.
